美国电信运营商Sprint近日表示,将在今年7月底之前在全国范围内完成LTE Cat 1技术部署,并计划在2018年中开始LTE Cat M部署,随后再推出LTE Cat NB1技术。 Sprint物联网业务部总经理Mohamad Nasser表示,物联网、无线业务和有线业务是Sprint业务组合的三大关
IfSprint aims to buy T-Mobile, prepare for the lies. Sprint and T-Mobile are pretty upstanding companies, right now. I know both of their PR teams well, and theyre good people. But when merger mania strikes a carrier, strange things start
近日,美国移动运营商Sprint宣布将在第四季度推出基于其CDMA网络的下一代“一键通”业务,并创建一个新的一键通品牌——Sprint Direct Connect。
据国外媒体报道,近日摩托罗拉公司推出了一项叫做PRIP的语音对讲平台,虽然说美国通信公司Sprint的iDEN通信系统已经瘫痪,但语音对讲功能还没有失效,现在用户通过无线网络或者数据资料即可实现语音对讲功能。 8美元无限通话 摩托罗拉推语音对讲平台(图片引
2007年对于美国通信行业来说是也许算得上是一个巨大的打击,在这一年,陷入巨额亏损窘境的并不是只有终端制造业的 摩托罗拉 公司,在通信运营领域,美国几大通信运营商之一的Sprint公司也跌进了亏损的谷底。 在今年的CTIA Wireless 2008美国无线 通信展 上,
12月2日消息 据国外媒体报道,有传闻称美国第三大无线运营商SprintNextel将中断使用基于高通QChat技术的一键通话对讲机服务的定制手机,同时将停止提供任何基于此项技术的任何新的设备。但是SprintNextel将会保留目前现有的基于QChat技术的客户对讲电话服务
Sprint(NYSE: S)yesterday unveiled its Network Vision blueprint to deploy a cost-effective, innovative network plan to further enhance voice quality and data speeds for customers across the United States. Sprints Network Vision is expected
Nextel, an upstart mobile operator formed in the 1990s that attracted a loyal following in construction and other trades, looks set to disappear after Japans Softbank buys 70 percent ofSprintNextel. After the closing of the deal, forecast
北京时间12月23日凌晨消息(蒋均牧)美国第三大移动运营商SprintNexte已确认至少在未来3年内将继续购买摩托罗拉的iDEN服务。该运营商最近宣布计划将其iDEN用户迁移至升级后的CDMA网络,但这一进程需要花费漫长的时间。 新的协议正式将Sprint和摩托罗拉解决方
Make no mistake thatSprints iDEN network is not long for this world. In an interview with Fierce Wireless today, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse said eventually the carrier will replace its iDEN 800MHz spectrum with enhancedCDMAcoverage. Though Hesse
SprintNextel is reported to have taken the plunge and signed a $2bn network outsourcing agreement with Ericsson, in a move it has been considering for months. Although Ericsson has been named as the partner by sources since the start of th
For much of the last yearSprintinsiders have been telling us that Sprint absolutely is making the jump toLTE, despite half-hearted protestations from Sprint CEO Dan Hesse. Not only is Sprint going LTE, but the company is working on a massi
Sprinthas given the strongest indications to date about adoptingLTEto power its high-speed mobile network. There is a high likelihood that LTE is in our future in one flavour or another, said Geoff Martin, who heads up the U.S. operators M
On its own, I commendSprintfor being the first4Gnetwork in the U.S. by debuting itsWiMaxnetwork and its EVO 4G smartphone long before rivalVerizonWireless had even unveiled its own 4G network based on the competingLTEnetwork. However, when
Sprinthas specified 2014 as the year when it will deploy itsLTEservice on the new 800 MHz spectrum. This is to replace the old Nextel iDen systems network on which Sprint has relied so far. Sprint network operations president Steve Elfman