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  • 通信老兵深度讲解什么是专网通信05月04日

    前言 笔者在坛子里潜水多年,看到了很多令人叫绝的优秀文章,尤其是那些描述个人工作经验的帖子,让我受益匪浅。作为一个工作近十年的通信人,我也想把我工作中总结出来的一些东西分享给各位朋友,但苦于没有什么思路,也担心自己这不入流的文笔会被拍砖致死

    Tags:McWiLL, LTE, 专网, B-TrunC, TETRA, iDEN, GoTa, PDT
  • 数字集群通信标准面面观(三个标准的比较)12月09日

    目前国际上数字集群调度系统存在TETRA、iDEN和FHMA三种较为先进的技术体制: 欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)开发的TETRA(TErrestrial TRunked Radio)系统、是一个空中接口信令开放的系统; 以色列RAFAEL研发的跳频多址FHMA系统(Frequency Hopping Multiple Acc

    Tags:TETRA, 数字集群, 集群通信, iDEN, FHMA
  • SouthernLinc: We're committed to iDEN network through 202004月22日

    SouthernLinc, a smaller wireless carrier that provides service in parts of Alabama, Georgia, Florida and Mississippi, said it has committed to maintaining its iDEN network through at least 2020. The company said it made the commitment in o

  • LTE宽带集群系统将在铁路无线通信领域发挥作用02月13日

    目前,在垂直行业市场,以TETRA、 PDT、 P25、 iDen为代表的窄带数字集群得到了广泛应用,但这些窄带集群只支持语音集群业务,不能支持视频监控、数据采集等宽带数据业务。而工业信息化的发展正驱动着行业市场宽带需求的快速增长:根据华为公司分析,在2013

    Tags:铁路无线通信, TD-LTE, UIC, 窄带数字集群, iDen, P25, PDT, TETRA, eLTE, 华为, 互联互通
  • Sprint为何关闭350亿美元的iDEN业务?09月08日


    Tags:Nextel, iDEN, Sprint
  • 数字集群标准Tetra与iDEN两种体制产品的应用分析09月02日


    Tags:Tetra, iDEN
  • 常用的十项专业数字通信标准08月17日

    常用的十项专业数字通信标准 一、PDT(Police Digital Trunking)警用数字集群标准 PDT是具有中国自主知识产权的集群通信标准,着眼未来数字对讲机技术发展方向,可满足多数集群通信行业用户的需求。PDT标准充分考虑了中国国情,如频谱资源紧缺,东西部发展

    Tags:数字通信标准, PDT, TETRA, DMR, dPMR, NXDN, DCR, DSRR, GOTA, ARC, IDEN, GT800
  • 8美元无限通话 摩托罗拉推语音对讲平台07月21日

    据国外媒体报道,近日摩托罗拉公司推出了一项叫做PRIP的语音对讲平台,虽然说美国通信公司Sprint的iDEN通信系统已经瘫痪,但语音对讲功能还没有失效,现在用户通过无线网络或者数据资料即可实现语音对讲功能。 8美元无限通话 摩托罗拉推语音对讲平台(图片引

    Tags:摩托罗拉, 语音对讲, PRIP, Sprint, iDEN
  • Wataniya Invests in Saudi iDEN Operator08月08日

    Wataniya International, the regional mobile network operator in the Middle East has announced that it has increased its investment in Saudi Arabias telecommunications market, increasing its share in Bravo, the Kingdoms only iDEN network, t

    Tags:iDen, Wataniya
  • Sprint selects network project vendors, will start shutting11月11日

    Sprint(NYSE: S)yesterday unveiled its Network Vision blueprint to deploy a cost-effective, innovative network plan to further enhance voice quality and data speeds for customers across the United States. Sprints Network Vision is expected

    Tags:iDen, Sprint
  • Sprint to Drop Nextel Name After Softbank Deal01月12日

    Nextel, an upstart mobile operator formed in the 1990s that attracted a loyal following in construction and other trades, looks set to disappear after Japans Softbank buys 70 percent ofSprintNextel. After the closing of the deal, forecast

    Tags:iDen, Sprint, Softbank
  • Sprint与摩托罗拉签署3年期iDEN合同01月03日

    北京时间12月23日凌晨消息(蒋均牧)美国第三大移动运营商SprintNexte已确认至少在未来3年内将继续购买摩托罗拉的iDEN服务。该运营商最近宣布计划将其iDEN用户迁移至升级后的CDMA网络,但这一进程需要花费漫长的时间。 新的协议正式将Sprint和摩托罗拉解决方

    Tags:Sprint, 摩托罗拉, iDEN
  • Sprint Extends iDEN® Network Supply Agreement with M10月08日

    Two new iDEN handsets announced for availability in the first quarter; Additional devices planned for 2011. Sprint (NYSE: S) and theMotorolaSolutionsbusinessof Motorola (NYSE: MOT) announced an agreement to extend Motorolas support of the

    Tags:iDen, Motorola
  • Sprint to shut down iDEN network11月12日

    Make no mistake thatSprints iDEN network is not long for this world. In an interview with Fierce Wireless today, Sprint CEO Dan Hesse said eventually the carrier will replace its iDEN 800MHz spectrum with enhancedCDMAcoverage. Though Hesse

    Tags:iDen, Sprint
  • iDEN users hit 10 million outside US, Motorola said11月03日

    The number of mobile subscribers connected to iDEN networks has reached 10 million outside the U.S.,Motorolaannounced on Thursday. According to Motorola, which developed the technology, more than 30 operators worldwide are running iDEN net

    Tags:iDen, Motorola
  • NII Holdings Extends iDEN® Networks Contract with Mo11月12日

    Agreement represents strong commitment fromMotorolaand NII Holdings to iDEN technology. The Motorola Solutionsbusinessof Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) and NII Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: NIHD) today announced they have agreed to extend Motorolas

    Tags:iDen, Motorola
  • Motorola’s iDen Business Adds Little to its Stock06月11日

    Motorola(NYSE:MOT) recently announced thatNokia(NYSE:NOK) will acquire most of its wireless network equipmentbusinessfor $1.2 billion in cash. In addition to Nokia, Motorola competes with Ericsson (PINK:ERIXF) and Huawei in this market. Ac

    Tags:iDen, Motorola
  • Sprint signs $2bn outsourcing deal with Ericsson04月01日

    SprintNextel is reported to have taken the plunge and signed a $2bn network outsourcing agreement with Ericsson, in a move it has been considering for months. Although Ericsson has been named as the partner by sources since the start of th

    Tags:iDen, Sprint
  • Motorola i1 Goes to Canada on TELUS’ Mike and Airtel10月10日

    A new mobile phoneis on its way to the Canadian market, set to offer users in the country the possibility to try outGoogles Android operating system in a rugged design, namely theMotorolai1. The handset was announced officially several mon

    Tags:iDen, Motorola
  • More Signs Sprint Is Absolutely Going LTE04月06日

    For much of the last yearSprintinsiders have been telling us that Sprint absolutely is making the jump toLTE, despite half-hearted protestations from Sprint CEO Dan Hesse. Not only is Sprint going LTE, but the company is working on a massi

    Tags:iDen, Sprint, LTE


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