


2021年天线领域10大热门论文 作者都是华人

时间:2021-12-31 来源:未知 作者:陆涛 点击:



  • 文章2021年发表于IEEE四大天线期刊之一 

  • 截止日期(2021 年 12 月 20 日)在 IEEE Xplore 各自的天线期刊网站上列为 50 篇热门论文

  • 必须是原创论文(不包括邀请和评论论文)

  • 五篇来自 IEEE Transaction Antennas and Propagation 的论文

  • 三篇来自 IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 的论文

  • 一篇来自 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine 的论文

  • 一篇来自 IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 的论文

  • 所有作者都是华人

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
A Low-Profile Decoupling Structure for Mutual Coupling Suppression in MIMO Patch Antenna 
Tianqi Pei; Lei Zhu*; Jianpeng Wang*; Wen Wu 
Publication Year: 2021, Page(s): 6145 - 6153
High-Isolation In-Band Full-Duplex Cavity-Backed Slot Antennas in a Single Resonant Cavity 
Rui-Sen Chen; Lei Zhu; Jing-Yu Lin; Sai-Wai Wong*; Yang Yang; Yin Li; Long Zhang; Yejun He* 
Publication Year: 2021, Page(s): 7092 - 7102 

Cited by: Papers (1) 

Design of a Stacked Co-Polarized Full-Duplex Antenna with Broadside Radiation 
Weiquan Zhang; Jiadong Hu; Yue Li; Zhijun Zhang* 

Publication Year: 2021,Page(s):7111 - 7118 

Planar Ultra-Wideband and Wide-Scanning Dual-Polarized Phased Array with Integrated Coupled-Marchand Balun for High Polarization Isolation and Low Cross-Polarization

Jian Xu Sun; Yu Jian Cheng*; Yong Fan 

Publication Year: 2021, Page(s): 7134 - 7144 

Cited by: Papers (6) 
Compact Co-polarized PIFAs for Full-Duplex Application Based on CM/DM Cancellation Theory 
Jiadong Hu; Weiquan Zhang; Yue Li; Zhijun Zhang* 

Publication Year: 2021, Page(s):7103 - 7110 

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine

A Study of a Probe-Based Millimeter-Wave Far-Field Antenna Measurement Setup 

Ziyang Zheng; Yue Ping Zhang* 

Publication Year: 2021, Page(s): 118 - 144 
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 
A Wideband PIFA-Pair-Based MIMO Antenna for 5G Smartphones
Xiao-Ting Yuan; Zhe Chen*; Tianqi Gu; Tao Yuan 
Publication Year: 2021, Page(s): 371 - 375 

Cited by: Papers (1) 

Dual-Polarized Directive Ultrawideband Antenna Integrated With Horn and Vivaldi Array 
Yongsheng Pan; Yang Cheng; Yuandan Dong* 
Publication Year: 2021, Page(s): 48 - 52 

Cited by: Papers (1) 

Low-Profile, Broadband, Dual-Linearly Polarized, and Wide-Angle MillimeterWave Antenna Arrays for Ka-Band 5G Applications 

Xuanfeng Tong; Zhi Hao Jiang*; Chao Yu; Fan Wu; Xin Xu; Wei Hong 

Publication Year: 2021,Page(s):2038 - 2042 
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation 

Wide-Band and Wide-Angle Scanning Phased Array Antenna for Mobile Communication System 

Guangwei Yang; Yiming Zhang; Shuai Zhang* 

Publication Year: 2021, Page(s): 203 - 212 

Cited by: Papers (1)
本文由张跃平教授整理及推荐,张跃平教授是IEEE Fellow,IEEE天线与传播学会杰出讲师、谢昆诺夫论文奖与克劳斯天线奖双料得主

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陆涛)


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