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Entropia Digital takes the lead with digital in Amstel Gold

时间:2014-05-03 00:04来源:Tetra Today 作者:张天天 点击:
Entropia Digital ensured a digital communication network at the Amstel Gold Race, a 251 km road bicycle race held in the Netherlands, for the seventh consecutive year

Entropia Digital ensured a digital communication network at the Amstel Gold Race, a 251 km road cycle race held in the Netherlands, for the seventh consecutive year. In previous years Entropia Digital has only used analogue to provide the ‘Radio Tour’ (the term given for providing information from the cycling officiator vehicles to the media).

Entropia Digital can rebroadcast the Radio Tour channel nationwide through the VHF frequency of the KNWU (Royal Dutch Cycling Union) channel, which listeners, motorcyclists and cameramen use for their communications.

"During a classic race like this there is constant communication”, says François van Laarhoven, CTO at Entropia Digital. “Team leaders want to know who is where, as officiators announce the latest course progress and journalists try to maintain an overview of it all. You need a network that is both stable and reliable as well as fast, which is possible with TETRA, used by the Dutch and Belgian police."

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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