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Law enforcement favors LMR

时间:2013-11-21 22:42来源:Tetra Today 作者:豆豆 点击:
For the first time, a new study into the groups entrusted with ensuring public safety has found that law-enforcement members are the largest users of Licensed Mobile Radio (LMR) systems, according to a new report from IMS Research

For the first time, a new study into the groups entrusted with ensuring public safety has found that law-enforcement members are the largest users of Licensed Mobile Radio (LMR) systems, according to a new report from IMS Research. 

Law-enforcement personnel, together with firefighters, emergency medical teams and private security groups comprising the Public Safety and Security (PSS) sector accounted for more than 40 per cent of active radios on LMR systems in 2012, based on findings from the IHS report entitled “Vertical Insights - Public Safety and Security Mobile Radio - World - 2013.”

“Although IHS has been examining the LMR market for PSS users for more than 15 years now, this is the first report to examine the individual constituent agencies in depth,” said Deryn Evans, senior mobile radio market analyst at IHS.

At the end of 2012, more than 27.5 million personnel and well in excess of 2.6 million vehicles were active worldwide in front-line emergency PSS agencies, said the report, which also examines PSS agency structure and operations as well as the in-depth investigation of radio use

In particular, set-up and operations can vary significantly between countries. Even in regions where PSS organizations are well-established, reform in structural and operational procedures is underway. Volunteers currently play a significant role in many firefighting and emergency medical agencies around the world, but many agencies are looking to increase professionalization among their ranks due to problems with volunteer retention and staff stability, so reform and investment are expected.

“IHS predicts that as the ratio of volunteer to professional staff changes, the ratio of personnel to radio will also be affected,” Evans noted. “Currently agencies with high volunteer personnel tend to also have a higher personnel-to-radio ratio. But as the professionalization of an agency increases, this ratio typically decreases.

(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)
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