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German BOSNet core network completed

时间:2013-08-30 00:02来源:Tetra Today 作者:Cassidian 点击:
The BOS core network is now available throughout Germany following the integration of the 62nd switch by Cassidian.

The BOS core network is now available throughout Germany following the integration of the 62nd switch by Cassidian. The two network management centres in Hanover and Berlin, which are responsible for the supervision and control of the network, have also been activated.

The switches connect the base stations in the BOS digital TETRA radio network, thereby ensuring the trans-regional flow of voice and data communications throughout the country. They also take on the multi-agency management of all BOS network participant groups. Four of the 62 switches also operate as transit centres. These ensure a superior level of traffic for the switch network throughout Germany.

The network is due to go into operation on a step-by-step basis in 45 geographical network sections, with approximately 4,500 base stations at 4,300 locations. In May, 3,776 locations were equipped with the digital technology and 3,118 base stations where integrated into the network. Thus, coverage has now been extended to nearly 80 per cent of the area of the Federal Republic of Germany and more than 315,000 participants have already been registered. In 2014, when the network is almost complete, it will be the world’s largest TETRA network. It is designed for up to 500,000 simultaneous users. 

Cassidian has also announced the launch of a uniform user management tool across Germany. Tactilon was devised, developed and rolled out by the company in cooperation with the German Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organizations (BDBOS). 

Tactilon serves the uniform management of all participants and their end devices as well as the nationwide services of the network. With the aid of Tactilon, the high number of radio users can be organized into call groups, connected with BOS security cards and provided with call rights. Contrary to other European networks, which ‘lease’ their services and networks from a central operator, the BOS digital radio users manage the network independently, on various hierarchical levels.


(中国集群通信网 | 责任编辑:陈晓亮)